Board Members and Board Diversity Situation
The "Company Governance Regulations" established by our company clearly define the diversity policy for board members and the overall composition of the board. The nomination and selection of board members follow the provisions of the company's articles of association and adopt a candidate nomination system. In addition to assessing the qualifications and experiences of each candidate, the opinions of stakeholders are considered, and the "Director Election Regulations" and "Company Governance Regulations" are followed to ensure the diversity and independence of board members.
Specific Management Objectives: Board members who also serve as company executives should not exceed one-third of the total board seats. Among the board members, no more than half should have a spouse or a close relative within two degrees of consanguinity. The responsibilities of the Chairman and CEO of the company should be clearly delineated. It is not advisable for the Chairman and CEO to be held by the same person. If the Chairman and CEO are held by the same person or are spouses or first-degree relatives, the number of independent director seats should be increased.
Board Members: The MegaTech Board of Directors prioritizes the interests of the company and all shareholders when conducting business assessments and making significant decisions. Auditors and independent directors play a supervisory role, carefully examining the performance of the company and the board. According to the company's articles of association, the current board of directors consists of nine members, with a term of three years. They are appointed by the shareholders' meeting from the list of director candidates and can be re-elected. The current term of the board of directors is from May 28, 2024, to May 27, 2027.
Joe Huang
MBA, University of Greenwich (UK)
Senior AVP, Qisda Corporation
Vice Chairman
and President
Phil Yu
VP of Sales Department, Data Image Corporation
Vice Chairman and CEO, Data Image Corporation
Xue Dao-Long
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Manager, Display Business Division, Information Products Business Group, Qisda Corporation
Deng Fu-Ji
Chairman, Tainet Telecommunication Co., Ltd.
Independent director, Shun On Electronic Co. Ltd.
Director, Data Image Corporation
Hong Chiu-Jin
MBA, California State University, Fullerton
AVP of Finance, Qisda Corporation
CFO, BenQ Materials Corp.
Li Zi-Pei
Department of Business Administration, Fu Jen Catholic University
EMBA, National Central University
AVP of Supply Chain Management, Qisda Corporation
Independent Director
Yeh Hui-Xin
Partner, Ernst & Young
Independent Director
Ma Xiao-Kang
Master of Mechanical Engineering, University of Wisconsin (US)
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering/Researcher, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Research Center of National Taiwan University
Committee, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan
Independent director, Taiwan Power Company
Chairman, Environmental Resources Research and Development Foundation
Chairman, Chinese Boiler Association Taiwan
Chairman, The Combustion Institute of R.O.C
Director, CTCI Foundation
Independent Director
Chu, Hsuan-Lien